Showing posts with label Motivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Motivation. Show all posts

Monday, May 5, 2014

Revelations - A tool for creative growth

“Sometimes it (revelations) comes humming in my ears and I understand what it is revealing, sometimes the angel comes in a form of a man and I clearly understand what he is saying”

 A revelation is revealing an idea that is concealed.  Ideas are important parts of our growth, as they enhance creativity, innovation and problem solving.

The verse above is a narration showing 2 ways in which ideas (revelations) come to people.

1.) An idea that rings in your ear and you are forced to be captivated by it.

Sometimes we don't need to be dreaming, visualizing or mediating to have a great idea. While we walk we sometimes get a thought, that thought forms a complete pattern, with this pattern you get increased energy to act. This is a revelation. 

Revelations don't need to be logical, and you don't need to fight them back. Act upon your thoughts if they come with increased physical energy.

2.) Angels who are messenger come in the form of people.

Other times we receive ideas from other people. If we require help ask in the right way and set an intention for an answer observe how many other people will answer your question.

The more you listen the more you realize that humans around us are always giving us ideas, revelation and answering our questions. 

Don’t resist listen with an open heart.

By Jana Sharaf
Public affairs, Philosopher, and Founder of "NOON EVE"

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Reach Your Goals!

As we progress forward in life and think about the things we don’t like and fantasize about the things we do like. We form imaginary situations and fantasies that are linked to celebrity photoshopped pictures and movie scenes. We follow fantasies that lead us astray and away from our goals thus rendering us always unsatisfied and on the yo yo of up and down.

Through time we loose our objectives and look externally for satisfaction, we start to blame external circumstances for our unhappiness. What is worse we blame ourselves we are not disciplined enough, not good enough, and another battle of build your self esteem, leadership skills, I will talk more gently, I will be more submissive etc starts internally... The truth is your strengths are what you need to reach your goal your purpose in life. 
Your weaknesses/shortcomings are the challenges that will further motivate you and make you fail in order to reach your destination. Your shortcomings are the tool to perfect your journey in this life and make it worthwhile.

The weaknesses you condemn are not really an issue as they appear as indicators that  you are not following your path, you are truly unhappy and that is why weaknesses/ bad habits increase in number and in nature.

The weaknesses that you do posses that need to be overcome only show up at work, they are the things that you feel if you just push a little harder you will get to your objective, those are the real challenges that need to be overcome.

For example: You want to become a famous singer but have stage fear. This fear is what you need to push against this will make you work harder in order to cover your fear. If you want to be a singer to be famous and have a nice car and be like Beyonce you will most likely have stage fear, voice problems, trembling, and you will be tone deaf and the list will grow

Identify your objective:

“If following our objective was easy we will all be living happy fulfilled lives” Noon

  • What you thought you wanted to be when you grow up
  • What are the things you liked to study at school
  • Area of your life that you are struggling with
  • What you most talk about
  • The types of movies you mostly watch
  • Your resolutions what direction do they take you
  • Hobby, what are you known for

If we carefully observe the answers to these we will see a very distinct pattern. The weakness that you are facing is the area that you need to invest your time in. By investing your time in an area that you are struggling with you will find your true weaknesses and opportunities for growth. By slow introspection and empowering the area of our life that needs work we will see doors that open leading us to our goal.

By Jana Sharaf
Public affairs, Philosopher, and Founder of "NOON EVE"

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

“Give me more.....”

It is often that we find ourselves disappointed, we want something but it is not happening. Desire is one of the things that keeps us alive and moving. Its what gives us hope, its the motivation behind all of our actions. We are driven by desire to want more, to receive more money, love, sex, beauty or what ever we think defines us in this physical world. 

Desire is a healthy state of wanting in order to survive in this physical world, and this has been an eternal battle between between the physical and spiritual. No matter how many schools of thought have tried to intellectualize the process of desire some by complete suppression some by desire to share. The reality is that the minute you intellectualize an aspect of self as vital as desire your ego takes a rooting in it. Even your best motives and your best intentions become structures and tend to loose the spiritual essence in them. 

How do you maintain the balance in your desires? How do you stop your self from being enslaved by your work, your relationship, you ego? The best way is to master the desire.

The best way to become the master is to put the outcome of your desire with the hands of Divine intelligence otherwise known as God. If Divine Intelligence and you have the same agenda then be sure that your desire will manifest. How do you discover if your desire is the same as Divine Intelligence? 

Cleansing your intentions

Cleaning your intention comes from having a clean heart and not mind. Cleansing your heart is a process that has been intellectualized through morality and ethics but few of us harbor a clean heart, so what is the best way to heart cleansing. 

Forgiveness Tool

Forgiveness is not asking people to forgive you and its not forgiving your self. Its a literal meaning of sitting in a meditative post or just before you fall asleep and truly asking for forgiveness. At the start your ego will play tricks but continue doing it and slowly you will recall what you are asking for forgiveness for.

“ Please forgive me” or “ Forgive me” followed by a second of silence best done 100 times before bed should take up 3 minutes.

Benefits of Forgiveness Meditation:

  • increases sustenance
  • increases humility
  • increases heart to heart connections 
  • cleanses the intentions
  • aligns your desires with universal intelligence

By Jana Sharaf
Political consultant, philosopher, dream analyst and founder of "NOON EVE"

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Road to Arab Women Presidency

Last week, a mother signature became obligatory for children travel form in Lebanon. While it's a tiny step but definitely a new step forward for women rights. 

A long road ahead of Lebanese women and long long long road ahead of Arab women in general. 

It is inevitable to empower women and raise awareness of all the benefits a woman has the right to have in western countries yet in the Arab world they are still struggling.

Women, know that YOU MATTER! You are essential between your family, at your school, at your work... 

It helps if you found a woman idol whether it was a celebrity or just your mother you can evoke her soul. Whenever you needed to remind yourself to be strong, think of what that person would say or do.

And please stop being the drama queen. I know it's our title, but don't fall in the emotion circle and drown there. 

Handle insults and don't give compliments more than it should. Keep your self balanced. Don't be a tide!

Today we got a signature.. Tomorrow we will get the citizenship right and after salaries equality and next we will see a woman president in the Arab World!! 

"One can only dream", they say. But when thousands dream and millions dream, the dream has to kneel and become reality.

By Heidi Shebaro
Founder of " The Kindness Project in the Middle East", a teacher and a blogger. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Dream A-way

How do you know which dreams are meaningful ones i.e what we call messages and which are nonsense i.e mind defragment? Both mind defragment and message dreams are actually messages, so why do we pay attention to some and not to others.

Most dreams that people have are a result of everyday stress and coping mechanism hence they should be carefully examined for patterns as those patterns shape our reality, but we are not looking into those dreams for symbology or actual stuff that become true, we are simply looking for patterns of fear, laziness, dissatisfaction etc.. Once brought to the surface and understood, it's unhealthy to linger or focus on such dreams as it becomes an obsession and hinders your growth. Mind defragment dreams should be seen for what they are coping strategy, we should understand them, improve ourselves but not FOCUS on them.

We look into message dreams to help us analyze our character, our true making, our purpose and to receive guidance beyond the 5 senses.. Message dreams are vital for our growth and connection to ourselves.So how do we know the difference, follow us on Facebook and you will slowly develop the ability to interpret your own dream.

"Noon Eve" has compiled a video explaining what happens when you sleep in the spiritual sense and why it is important to start observing both types of dreams...

By Jana Sharaf
Political consultant, philosopher, dream analyst and founder of "NOON EVE"

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Motivate a woman to be a better woman

New year, new you. There are definitely lot of advices out there on how to motivate a woman to be a better woman. But I would like to focus on two words: You Matter.

You're going to say "TWO WORDS??!". Yes, two words when understood well can make whole of a difference.
Being valued for who you are not for what you know. Women forgets sometimes that they are essential in the world.
When we tell a young woman that she matters, we are inviting her into a life of service and action. Leadership is hard work and it comes with real responsibility. We help young leaders grow when we give them both, by telling them that they matter, and are accountable for it.
To matter means to be of consequence or importance to others.
It means you are significant, relevant, worthy of note and of crucial value. The world may not always affirm this. Your friends and family may not adequately communicate the importance of your presence in their lives.
But that doesn’t mean that what you do and who you are doesn’t have a profound impact on the world.
It does. The world would be a very different place – a lesser place – without you.
Happy New Year everyone! 

By Heidi Shebaro

Founder of " The Kindness Project in the Middle East", a teacher and a blogger. 

